Author: 1088EP
SRWLV Volume 2, number 5, May 19, 2017
Scientific Research on World, Life and ValuesSci. res. world life valueISSN 2473-3466LCCN: 2016-202182OCLC: 953291559Volume 2, number 5, May 19, 2017Impact Factor: 0.040 (2016) Download PDF Contents Editorial Board Editor-in-chiefTilla A. Theresia, Ph.D. (Germany) Editors:Daniel Weghuber, MD, PhD (Austria)Keith A. A. Fox, MBChB, FMedSci (UK)B. Vinnerljung, PhD (Sweden)Pravin Manga, MBChB, PhD (South Africa)F. Maes,PhD (Belgium)M. Lindroos,…
LCC Volume 2, number 3, March 1, 2017
Language, Cross-culture and CommunicationLang. cross-cult. comm.ISSN 2743-344XLCCN: 2016-202181OCLC: 953290723Volume 2, number 3, March 1, 2017Impact Factor: 0.037 (2016) Download PDF Contents Editorial Board Editor-in-chiefTilla A. Theresia, Ph.D. (Germany) Editors:S.V. Steffensen (Denmark)Hugues Duffau (France)Simon Fisher (Netherlands)G. Trousdale (UK)J. Rączaszek-Leonardi (Poland)N. Gisborne (UK)Miriam Faust (Israel)K. Sakai (Japan)E. Velmezova (Switzerland)I. Neath (Canada)S. Kinoshita (Australia)Gabriele Miceli (Italy)Francisco Aboitiz (Chile)K.-H.…
AREM Volume 1, number 8, December 31, 2016
Advanced Research on Economics and ManagementAdv. res. econ. manag.ISSN 2473-3474LCCN: 2016-202183OCLC: 953292340Volume 1, number 8, December 31, 2016Impact Factor: 0.013 Download PDF Contents Editorial Board Editor-in-chiefBob Lew (Germany) Editors:Ross Guest (Australia)Caroline Elliott (UK)B.M. Lucey (Ireland)G. Boyle (New Zealand)C. Christiansen (Denmark)M. Dowling (France)J.J. Bolhuis (Netherlands)P. Izar (Brazil)V. Grant (Canada)D. Engelmann (Germany)S. Alfarano (Spain)K.R. Brekke (Norway)R. Dieci…
Language, Cross-culture and Communication
Language, Cross-culture and CommunicationLang. cross-cult. comm.ISSN 2473-344XLCCN: 2016-202181OCLC: 953290723 Impact Factor: 0.122 Editorial Board Editor-in-chiefTilla A. Theresia, Ph.D. (Germany) Editors:S.V. Steffensen (Denmark)Hugues Duffau (France)Simon Fisher (Netherlands)G. Trousdale (UK)J. Rączaszek-Leonardi (Poland)N. Gisborne (UK)Miriam Faust (Israel)K. Sakai (Japan)E. Velmezova (Switzerland)I. Neath (Canada)S. Kinoshita (Australia)Gabriele Miceli (Italy)Francisco Aboitiz (Chile)K.-H. T. Bäuml (Germany) 157 East ELM Street, Unit A,…
Application of Engineering and Technology
Application of Engineering and TechnologyAppl. eng. technol.ISSN 2473-3482LCCN: 2016-202184OCLC: 953293639 Impact Factor: 1.339 Editorial Board Editor-in-chiefBob Lew (Germany) Editors:Dimitris Gritzalis (Greece)Bart De Decker (Belgium)Nora Cuppens-Boulahia (France)Ken Morison (New Zealand)Stephen Richardson (UK)P. Christakapoulos (Sweden)M. Ottens (Netherlands)Xavier Franch (Spain)Paul Grünbacher (Austria)Tetsuo Tamai (Japan)J.L. Brash (Canada)D. Danino (Israel)Y.F. Dufrêne (Belgium)L. Jiang (China)C. Leidy (Colombia) 157 East ELM Street,…
Scientific Research on World, Life and Values
Scientific Research on World, life and ValuesSci. res. world life valueISSN 2473-3466LCCN: 2016-202182OCLC: 953291559 Impact Factor: 0.040 Editorial Board Editor-in-chiefTilla A. Theresia, Ph.D. (Germany) Editors:Daniel Weghuber, MD, PhD (Austria)Keith A. A. Fox, MBChB, FMedSci (UK)B. Vinnerljung, PhD (Sweden)Pravin Manga, MBChB, PhD (South Africa)F. Maes,PhD (Belgium)M. Lindroos, PhD (Finland)Piyush Gupta, PhD (India)O. Defeo, PhD (Uruguay)Philip J.…
International Journal of Advanced Science, Industry and Society
International Journal of Advanced Science, Industry and SocietyInt. j. adv. sci. ind. soc.ISSN 2473-3431LCCN: 2016-202180OCLC: 953283110 Impact Factor: 0.026 Editorial Board Editor-in-chiefWojciech Budzianowski (Poland) Editors:J.F. Aguilar Madeira (Portugal)A. Bahreininejad (Brunei)A.P. Chassiakos (Greece)S. Hernández Ibáñez (Spain)Michael Jefferson (UK)Beng Wah Ang (Singapore)Valentina Bosetti (Italy)José Goldemberg (Brazil)Andreas Goldthau (Hungary)Nebojsa Nakicenovic (Austria)Bob van der Zwaan (The Netherlands)J. Józefowska (Poland)M.Y.…
Advanced Research on Economincs and Management
Advanced Research on Economincs and ManagementAdv. res. econ. manag.ISSN 2473-3474LCCN: 2016-202183OCLC: 953292340 Impact Factor = 0.013 Editorial Board Editor-in-chiefBob Lew (Germany) EditorsRoss Guest (Australia)Caroline Elliott (UK)B.M. Lucey (Ireland)G. Boyle (New Zealand)C. Christiansen (Denmark)M. Dowling (France)J.J. Bolhuis (Netherlands)P. Izar (Brazil)V. Grant (Canada)D. Engelmann (Germany)S. Alfarano (Spain)K.R. Brekke (Norway)R. Dieci (Italy)M. Kaustia (Finland)J. Lu (Singapore) 157 East…