LCC Volume 2, number 3, March 1, 2017

Language, Cross-culture and Communication
Lang. cross-cult. comm.
ISSN 2743-344X
LCCN: 2016-202181
OCLC: 953290723
Volume 2, number 3, March 1, 2017
Impact Factor: 0.037 (2016)

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Heike Pichler, Ashley Hesson. Discourse-Pragmatic Variation Across Situations, Varieties, Ages: I Don't Know in Sociolinguistic and Medical Interviews [J]. Lang. cross-cult. comm., 2017, 2(3): 1-16..

Kanyu Yeh, Chiung-chih Huang. Mandarin-Speaking Children’s Use of the Discourse Markers Hao ‘Okay’ and Dui ‘Right’ in Peer Interaction [J]. Lang. cross-cult. comm., 2017, 2(3): 17-32.

Deanna C. Friesen, Ashley Chung-Fat-Yim, Ellen Bialystok. Lexical Selection Differences Between Monolingual and Bilingual Listeners [J]. Lang. cross-cult. comm., 2017, 2(3): 33-46.

Martin Howard, Richard Y. Bourhis (Ed.): Decline and Prospects of the English-Speaking Communities of Quebec [J]. Lang. cross-cult. comm., 2017, 2(3): 47-48.

Ahmet Kaya, Burhanettin Dönmez. A Comparison of the Classroom Management Approaches of the Teachers Implementing “Constructivist Learning Approach” and not Implementing this Approach [J]. Lang. cross-cult. comm., 2017, 2(3): 49-53.

Li Jing. Reflections on Text-based Writing of College Students [J]. Lang. cross-cult. comm., 2017, 2(3): 54-58.

Editorial Board

Tilla A. Theresia, Ph.D. (Germany)

S.V. Steffensen (Denmark)
Hugues Duffau (France)
Simon Fisher (Netherlands)
G. Trousdale (UK)
J. Rączaszek-Leonardi (Poland)
N. Gisborne (UK)
Miriam Faust (Israel)
K. Sakai (Japan)
E. Velmezova (Switzerland)
I. Neath (Canada)
S. Kinoshita (Australia)
Gabriele Miceli (Italy)
Francisco Aboitiz (Chile)
K.-H. T. Bäuml (Germany)

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Published by 1088 Email Press.
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